|Making art|



I wanted to see if I can convert my feelings at this moment in life into an object At this moment in life my mind is fractured, I don't know what to pursue I have so many ideas and all of them are good They're equal in my mind My last idea is that i want to create a copper bonsai tree Because i love trees and i want to express that with art But now i want to express this. My mind that can't seem to think vertically at all seems like my energy is only spent thinking horizontally jumping from idea to the next barely developing any idea vertically To express this in the form of an object Imagen this with me A skull is sitting tilted on the ground from its top a copper bonsai tree emerges it has a very short trunk and it grows only horizontally making a disc of branches because of its weight the entire thing is tilted and resting on one side of the branches 8:24 PM