|human Society can think and might be conscious|



human Society can think and might be conscious Welcome to my schizo thought of the week So a neural network works using wight nodes The wight sum up the input ➡️ and the output↖️ becames new input➡️ for the next node This is an over simplified way of how the brain works Actually this is how one brain cell works It's the building block of intelligence So it would be responsible assumption to say that any "complex system" with a similar structure to this at it's base has some form of intelligence? Human society at it's base is similar to this Think about a single person as a node They receive many different inputs➡️ as complex ideas And they come up their own understanding or conclusion from all of these ideas as output↖️ And than they share this output↖️ to someone else as a new input ➡️ think about family structures, ideology, art, communication and the Internet. Than you would realize that in a sense human society forms a big thinking brain 🧠 A [[higher consciousness]] if you will Thank you for reading my schizo thoughts All of what I said is sarcasm I don't actually think -FaFo 3/5/2022


