


I wish to become an outlet to the computation of the collective




you are everything everywhere all at once

Intro: Reconceptualising our situation

In the modern age, we have passed a line, a line that defines what reality is, a line that after we pass the world will not be the same, the human experience itself will be changed so much that it has separated form what it was before. Consciously or not, we all see it, even in the way we treat people who lived before the passing of this line; we excuse them for their lack of knowledge, as we acknowledge they didn’t have the resources that we do, and in a sense, we treat them like naive children. yet we can't say exactly when we passed this line. We did not realize that it happened until we saw the effects of it, we could not see what would have become of what we have made until it was too late, perhaps we were naive children back then.

Of course I’m talking about the mass adoption of the internet the line we passed is one that breaks the physical limits of information and allows for instance communication and information transfer to everywhere in the world, and this was not a result caused exclusively by the invention of internet but by a multifactorial technological development fueled by the mass










































